yes, i took that photo. and no, i'm usually not that good a photographer.
it was originally from this pic. 'twas taken during our trip back to manila (to be specific, on the ferry from balanacan to dalahican) from marinduque.
don't you just love the sunrays peeping through the clouds..?
anyway.. i love sunsets. there's something dramatic and eerie and beautiful and haunting about it. something so compelling and amazing and all sorts of <insert word here>+ing. :D for me, it's the thought of the sunset being the meeting point of two different things. where day and night coexist. where it is no longer the sun's time but not yet the moon's. well, the sunrise is pretty much the same but i'm rarely up by that time. plus, sunrise is all hopeful and happy whereas the sunset is more moody and sad.. so being the emotional crap-tastic person that i am, (guess what!) i am more drawn to sunsets..
so i cropped the pic above and added the word authenticraps (which is my blog title, duh.) so that i could use it as my blog's header. i wasn't really in the mood to photoshop the pic properly.. so this was the resulting pic..

authenticraps v1.1
and yeah, i know. it's still boring so i decided to add some oomph to the photo but i'm too lazy to do proper effects so i just smudged the edges a bit and voila. here is the final (as of now) version of my header.

(which i proudly call) authenticraps v1.2
well, the smudged edges kinda took away the sunrays (which i sooo love) but i think it sort of highlighted the sun..i still think authenticraps v1.1's photo looks better but the edges were a bit too plain for me.. so i guess i'm just gonna settle with authenticraps v1.2 at the moment..
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